Now Live & Beta Testing

We look forward to your feedback.

  1. 1
    • Preview Exercise: The Dark Mirror

    • What feelings did you have during the Dark Mirror exercise?

    • Not Racist ... What does that mean?

    • Support Workshop Overview

    • Reactive Dissociation

    • Reactive Dissociation #2

  2. 2
    • Perception-Perspective-Paradigm

    • My Declaration

    • Reactive Dissociation and the curse of binary thinking

  3. 3
    • Coming Soon

  4. 4
    • Coming soon.

  5. 5
    • Coming soon.

  6. 6
    • The Learning and Unlearning of Racism

  7. 7
    • Truthiness FEELS like truth without the effort of verifying Facts

  8. 8
    • Coming soon.

  9. 9
    • Argue both sides exercise.

  10. 10
    • Please remember